Equipments for science laboratory
institution have at least one set of all science apparatus
instruments required to perform and demonstrate the
experiments prescribed in the secondary and senior
secondary classes for physics, chemistry and biology.
All required chemicals and consumables also available
in the college.
Equipments for Psychological Laboratories
Apparatus for simple experiments related to Educational
Psychology, Intelligence Tests (performance, non verbal
and verbal) Aptitude Test, Creativity Tests, Personality
Scales, Attitude Tests and Interest Inventories etc.
available in the college.
Equipment for Educational Technology Laboratory
One Radio, One TV , DVD, One audio cassette recorder,
one slide-cum-film-strip projector, one over head
projector, one still camera,ten blank audio cassettes,
art materials for Preparation of charts and slides,
materials for transparencies, 3 computers with supporting
accessories, facilities for accessing and use of digital
learning resources and access to internet etc. available
in the college.
Arrangement for language learning
charts, dictionaries, slide projector, c.d, ref. books,
computer etc. available in the college.
Computer Laboratory
charts, dictionaries, slide projector, c.d, ref. books,
computer etc. available in the college.